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Technical Feature
The valve has a sealed pilot. It allows free flow from port ② to port ① and blocks flow from port ① to port ② or holding a load. Flow will be allowed from port ① to port ② when pressure is applied to pilot ③ .This pilot operated check valve has a 3:1 pilot ratio, meaning that at least one-third of the load pressure held at ① is required at pilot ③ to open the valve. Pressure at port ②directly opposes pilot pressure .
Technical Data
Operating Pressure350BarFlowSee PRESSURE DROP VS.FLOW graph.CavitySUN T-163AFiltrationRefer to "Cleanliness of Hydraulic Fluid"Internal Leakage1 drops/min max. at 350barCrack PressuresC=2.0bar E=5.0barPilot Ratio3:1Temperature-40°F to +250°F(-40°C to +120°C)FluidsMineral-based fluids with viscosities of 7.4 to 420 cSt.Body MaterialSteel & Ductile iron rated to 350bar -
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